May 18, 2024

DIY Catnip-Filled Toys for Kittens

Kittens love to play, and what could be more fun than a toy filled with their favorite herb, catnip? Catnip is a natural stimulant that can make kittens playful and energetic. It’s also safe for them to ingest, so you can feel good about giving your kitten a catnip toy.

Making your own catnip toys is easy and inexpensive. All you need are a few simple materials and a little bit of time.

To make a catnip-filled toy, you will need the following materials:

DIY Catnip-Filled Toys for Kittens

Making your own catnip toys is easy and inexpensive. All you need are a few simple materials and a little bit of time.

  • Easy to make
  • Inexpensive

Plus, your kitten will love playing with a toy that you made yourself.

Easy to make

One of the best things about making your own catnip toys is that it’s so easy to do. You don’t need any special skills or equipment, and you can make a toy in just a few minutes.

  • No sewing required

    Many catnip toys require you to sew the fabric together, but not these toys. You can simply tie the fabric closed with a ribbon or string.

  • Use materials you have on hand

    You probably already have everything you need to make these toys at home. You can use old socks, t-shirts, or scraps of fabric.

  • Make them any size or shape

    You can make these toys any size or shape you want. This makes them perfect for kittens of all ages.

  • Add other materials to make them more fun

    You can add other materials to these toys to make them more fun for your kitten, such as bells, feathers, or ribbons.

With so many options, you’re sure to find a way to make a catnip toy that your kitten will love.


Another great thing about making your own catnip toys is that it’s very inexpensive. You can make several toys for the same price as one store-bought toy.

Here are some tips for saving money on your catnip toys:

  • Use materials you have on hand
    As mentioned before, you can use old socks, t-shirts, or scraps of fabric to make these toys. You can also use old ribbons or string to tie the toys closed.
  • Buy catnip in bulk
    Catnip is relatively inexpensive, but you can save even more money by buying it in bulk. You can find catnip in bulk at most pet stores or online.
  • Make multiple toys at once
    If you’re making multiple toys, you can save time and money by cutting out all of the fabric pieces at once. You can also stuff the toys all at once.

By following these tips, you can make your own catnip toys for a fraction of the cost of store-bought toys.


Here are some frequently asked questions about making DIY catnip-filled toys for kittens:

Question 1: What kind of fabric is best for catnip toys?
Answer 1: You can use any type of fabric to make catnip toys, but fleece and felt are good choices because they are soft and durable.

Question 2: How much catnip should I put in each toy?
Answer 2: The amount of catnip you put in each toy will depend on how strong you want the toy to be. For a mild toy, use about 1/4 teaspoon of catnip. For a stronger toy, use about 1/2 teaspoon of catnip.

Question 3: How often should I give my kitten a catnip toy?
Answer 3: Catnip can be stimulating for kittens, so it’s best to give them catnip toys in moderation. Once or twice a week is a good starting point.

Question 4: Can I wash catnip toys?
Answer 4: Yes, you can wash catnip toys in the washing machine on a gentle cycle. Be sure to remove the catnip before washing, and then let the toy air dry.

Question 5: How long do catnip toys last?
Answer 5: Catnip toys will last for several months, but the potency of the catnip will decrease over time. You can refresh the catnip by adding a few drops of catnip oil to the toy.

Question 6: Are catnip toys safe for kittens?
Answer 6: Yes, catnip toys are safe for kittens. However, some kittens may be more sensitive to catnip than others. If your kitten shows any signs of discomfort, such as vomiting or diarrhea, discontinue use of the catnip toy.

If you have any other questions about making DIY catnip-filled toys for kittens, please consult with your veterinarian.

Now that you know how to make your own catnip toys, here are a few tips to make them even more enjoyable for your kitten:


Here are a few tips to make your DIY catnip-filled toys even more enjoyable for your kitten:

Tip 1: Add other materials to the toys.
You can add other materials to the catnip toys to make them more fun and stimulating for your kitten. Some good options include bells, feathers, ribbons, and even small pieces of catnip-scented fabric.

Tip 2: Make the toys different shapes and sizes.
Kittens love to play with toys of different shapes and sizes. This keeps them interested and engaged. You can make some toys that are small and easy to bat around, and other toys that are larger and more challenging to play with.

Tip 3: Rotate the toys regularly.
Kittens can get bored with the same toys over time. To keep them interested, rotate the toys regularly. You can put some toys away for a few days and then bring them back out again. This will help to keep your kitten’s interest in the toys fresh.

Tip 4: Supervise your kitten when they are playing with catnip toys.
Catnip can be stimulating for kittens, so it’s important to supervise them when they are playing with catnip toys. This will help to prevent them from getting too excited or aggressive.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your kitten gets the most enjoyment out of their DIY catnip-filled toys.

Making your own catnip toys is a great way to save money and provide your kitten with hours of fun and stimulation. With a little creativity, you can make toys that your kitten will love.


Making your own catnip-filled toys for kittens is a fun and rewarding experience. It’s a great way to save money and provide your kitten with hours of fun and stimulation. With a little creativity, you can make toys that your kitten will love.

Here are the main points to remember when making DIY catnip-filled toys for kittens:

  • Use soft and durable fabrics.
  • Use about 1/4 teaspoon of catnip per toy.
  • Give your kitten catnip toys in moderation.
  • Wash catnip toys in the washing machine on a gentle cycle.
  • Supervise your kitten when they are playing with catnip toys.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your kitten gets the most enjoyment out of their DIY catnip-filled toys.

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